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1. Based on the main experimental designs, mark the correct alternative:
2. The main objective of Randomization in a Randomized Clinical Trial is:
3. The purpose of a double-blind study is to:
4. An advertisement in a medical journal stated that “2000 subjects with sore throat were treated with a new drug. In 4 days, 94% were asymptomatic, confirming the effectiveness of the drug”. Based on the evidence above, the statement:
5. In a case-control study in patients with pancreatic cancer, 17% were found to be diabetic at the time of diagnosis, compared to 4% of an appropriately matched control group (by age, sex, ethnic group, and several other characteristics) screened for diabetes in the same period and in the same hospital that the cases were diagnosed. It is concluded that diabetes played a causal role in the establishment of pancreatic cancer. This conclusion:
6. Residents of three villages with three different types of fluoride concentrations in the water supply were invited to participate in a study to evaluate prevalence of fluorosis. All individuals residing in the 3 villages were examined and the results computed and compared. What is the correct classification for this study?
7. In a study that began in 2002, a group of 3000 teenagers was followed to assess the relationship between energy drink consumption and tooth erosion. The occurrence of dental erosion was carried out in 2010 and 2015. This is an example of:
8. Records of dental examinations of patients seen at the Faculty of Dentistry in 1995 were examined in 2005 to verify whether there was a relationship between smoking, visible plaque and gingival bleeding. This is an example of:
9. Considering the systematic reviews, mark the correct alternative: